30 September 2005

So Sept. 24th was a huge day of protest...

...across the United States - though apparently it barely registered in much of the mainstream media. Rita, the hurricane that followed Katrina, dominated the news through the weekend, and many of the major news outlets couldn't find much time for other stories. I'm not a big believer in media-related conspiracy theories, but when CNN et al basically ignores hundreds of thousands of Americans who spent a Saturday protesting the actions of their president, I start to wonder.

Anyway, truthout.org was all over the protest in D.C., and they've got a great collection of articles and video clips here...if nothing else, check out the video with the bare-breasted woman...it seems to do a good job of showing the wide range of anti-war and anti-Bush activities that went down in D.C.

San Diego had a rally of its own in Balboa Park, and the San Diego Union-Tribune put the number of attendees at 2,000. My parents, who were kind enough to set up the Wavelength Clothing booth at the event, confirmed that there were thousands of people in attendance, some great speeches delivered, and a whopping 40 t-shirts sold - Wavelength's biggest sales day by a wide, wide margin. I'm not sure, George, but I think the natives are getting restless!