06 September 2005

Made an interesting contact through KLSDam1360...

...which is San Diego's outlet of the Air America radio network. A few weeks ago, I had sent free shirts to the 5-person team behind the Stacy Taylor show, a local talk segment that broadcasts from 6am to 9am (Pacific time), before Al Franken comes on nationwide. Stacy and the rest of the gang got a kick out of the shirts and mentioned them repeatedly on air, which I appreciated a great deal.

Anyway, while Cindy Sheehan was camping outside of Bush's ranch in summer 2005, a San Diego woman named Barbara Cummings spent time in Crawford with Sheehan and called in to the Stacy Taylor show regularly to provide updates. I sent Barbara some shirts via the Crawford Peace House, and a few weeks later she got back to me to introduce herself and to let me know that the shirts were appreciated.

Barbara mentioned that Cindy had just left Crawford on a multi-week bus tour that would end in DC on Sept. 24, a day of massive anti-war protesting in DC and elsewhere. She noted that Katrina survivors would also be joining the protest, as new members of a group called Bushville, a traveling encampment that also consists of people who are homeless because of other forms of negligence at the top. The Bushville group needed hats for its coordinators, and Barbara asked if Wavelength Clothing could help provide these hats, so I came up with the design in the picture and donated 50 hats to the cause.