15 June 2005

With help from my friend Tomas...

...I've obtained photos of actual shirts from each of the 4 designs in the King George collection, which I will use as product shots on the Wavelength Clothing website. Tomas, a professional photographer, did a great job behind the digital camera – and he was kind enough to do it without asking for any compensation. The male model we used (let’s just say he’s a close personal friend of the narrator) was equally inexpensive, but nowhere near as talented. Nonetheless, in a testament to Tomas’s skill, the shots turned out great. (Need a photographer in the San Diego area? His email: tomas at boardsnap.com)

At this point in the summer, whether I’m doing odd jobs like the photo shoot or more routine stuff like setting up the website, I’m typically working no more than 5 or 6 hours a day. Usually, I wind up the day’s work at around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, perhaps running an errand or two before riding my bike to the beach to bodysurf. A few times a week, I’m even going to the gym before going to the beach. There’s no question that the short work days allow me to exercise more thoroughly than I have in years. In addition, the increased amount of free time enables me to move through my entire day at a more leisurely pace, which undoubtedly has health benefits of its own.