30 October 2005

"radical Islam": the new red menace

from today's New York Times, in an article talking about Bush's strategy in the wake of the Libby indictment:

"Over time, aides and advisers said, the hope is that Mr. Bush will be able to re-establish his image as a strong leader by showing people that he has plans to address issues like high energy costs, illegal immigration and the risk of an influenza pandemic. At the same time, they said, he will try to do a better job of explaining why prevailing in Iraq is essential to defending the nation from the broader threat of radical Islam."

It's that last sentence that caught my eye. I won't even mention that, originally, we were told that we needed to invade Iraq because Saddam might have had WMDs. In the sentence above, couldn't you swap "radical Islam" with "communism" and arrive at the rationalization for the Korean War and Vietnam War? Yikes.