...where I spent a wonderful weekend with Cindy Sheehan, Bree Walker, and about 100 feisty and friendly peace activists, many of whom have been working with Cindy since August 2005, when she began railing against the injustice of Bush's war. It was my first visit to Camp Casey, but the group warmly welcomed me. I made about 100 new friends and came out of the experience with fresh enthusiasm for ending the war, for impeaching Bush, and for the potential power of the peace movement.
Below, I've pasted an excerpt of a poem I wrote at Camp Casey - an homage to Cindy and her devotion to peace and diplomacy, which has served as a guiding light for millions of people across the country and around the world. I'll share more from my Camp Casey visit - including some video - in future posts.
So folks went down to Crawford by the thousands,
drawn by the courage Cindy had shown
And though my country's war still puzzled me,
I knew I was anything but alone
Check the polls today: most Americans
are fed up with what George Bush has been doing
And maybe I'm just a hopeful hippie,
but I think there's a storm of peace a-brewing
It seems to me the seeds sown at Camp Casey
will soon flower,
And the gusts of change will blow through DC
and sweep the warhawks out of power
Sure, that hasn't happened as of yet --
but it's starting to get windy...
And when Bush and Dick finally get their due,
the whole world's going to thank you, Cindy.