09 August 2006

"Support Our Troops"...

...typically strikes me as an empty statement, or even a thinly veiled means of stifling criticism of military action. But my friend Michelle recently put me on to a website that offers visitors an opportunity to support the men and women of our armed forces quickly but meaningfully: by sending them a thank-you note.

When you have a spare moment, visit Let's Say Thanks, a Xerox-sponsored page where you can select a free thank-you postcard - printed with your own personal note or a standard message you select - that will be delivered to U.S. servicemen and women deployed overseas. As the site explains, "the postcards, depicting patriotic scenes and hometown images, were selected from a pool of entries from children across the country." After you pick a card and a message, "the postcards are then printed on the Xerox iGen3 Digital Production Press and mailed in care packages by military support organization Give2TheTroops."

It might not be as significant as a power hug, a pay raise, or a return trip home, but in my opinion, thank-you notes usually count for something - and can sometimes make a person's day. Visit Let's Say Thanks today.