13 April 2006

OMG, is this Iran stuff for real?

If you're like me, you're dumbfounded by the Bush administration's Iran saber-rattling, and you're wondering what to make of the whole thing. Well, here's some good news: a recent Bloomberg/LA Times poll shows that 54% of Americans "don't trust" Bush to make the right decision about going to war with Iran. Dude, there's my country.

So what the hell is Bush's rationale this time - and how separated is it from reality? Here are some key takeaways from an excellent article by Bill Scher of LiberalOasis.com:

Bush frames the case against Iran like this:
1. Iran is close to getting nukes.
2. Iran's President is crazy and irrational and committed to wiping Israel off the map. He can't be reasoned with.
3. Bush is trying real super hard to get the UN to do something about it, but if they won't...

Here's a less war-happy way to look at the situation:
1. Iran has legitimate, rational, self-defense-related incentives to want nukes.
2. To resolve the current stalemate, we need to address those incentives.
3. Because Iran is at least 5 years from getting nukes, time is on our side.

Check out Scher's full article - a short but reassuring read - for more details. And then start spreading the word!